Special Education Assists Many Speech Disorders

5 November 2020
 Categories: , Blog


Special education comes in many different forms. For many students, speech therapy is part of a balanced special education program. Speech therapy can help your child improve speaking, comprehension, and listening skills.

If special education includes speech therapy for your child, you may have questions. For instance, you may want to know how special education can help your child. These are some of the conditions special education may provide assistance with.

Special Education Helps With Articulation Disorders

Special education speech therapy services can provide assistance for students with articulation disorders. These are disorders in which children struggle to form sounds. As a result, they may swap out other sounds, add sounds, or drop sounds altogether. Therapy can help people with these disorders work on troublesome sounds.

Special Education Helps With Cognitive Disorders

Some cognitive disorders impact communication. These include disorders that influence memory, problem-solving, listening, and speech. Speech therapy can provide students with skills they need to move at the pace that benefits their communication most.

Special Education Helps With Expressive Disorders

Expressive disorders include those issues with expressing information, including using the incorrect tenses and struggles conveying their messages. Therapy helps students focus on expression without slacking in listening skills.

Special Education Helps With Resonance Disorders

Speech therapy in a special education program can also provide assistance with resonance disorders, which is caused by obstructed airflow that can lead to changes in the quality of one's voice. Therapy can provide assistance with airflow, for instance.

Special Education Helps With Receptive Disorders

Receptive disorders include comprehension and processing of language. People who have receptive disorders may struggle with vocabulary, listening to others, and even following instructions. Speech therapy for special education in these roles may include those with hearing loss as well.

Special Education Helps With Fluency Disorders

Many speech therapy programs help with fluency disorders in special education. These are the disorders that impact the flow of one's speech and how quickly they talk. Stuttering is considered a fluency disorder, as is the pushing of multiple words together with regularity.

Should You Consider Special Education For Your Child?

If you have a child who experiences these speech disorders, you may wonder if special education is the right option for them. Special education can be a useful resource for many people facing these disorders. Contact a special education professional today to determine if these issues can be addressed in special education.